Following on from my previous blog post;
During the process of making all my replicas consistent something went wrong.
I don’t know as of yet what caused the issue but will investigate further later.
Basically the DPM Administrator Console suddenly shutdown and would not start back up, claiming the DPM Service was not running.
I checked my services and it was actually running however the DPM AccessManager service was stopped.
I checked the Windows System Logs in Event Viewer and found multiple instances of the following error;
Event ID: 7034
Description: The DPM AccessManager Service service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 7 time(s).
I searched around but could find no-one with a similar problem or more importantly a solution, I did stumble across a post on the Microsoft Website;
Which mentioned the DpmSync command;
“DpmSync is a command-line tool that enables you to synchronize the DPM database with the state of the disks in the storage pool and with the installed protection agents. The DpmSync tool restores the DPM database, synchronizes the DPM database with the replicas in the storage pool, restores the Report database, and reallocates missing replicas. “
Using the DPM Management Shell, I ran the command;
dpmsync -sync
I then re-tried the DPM Administrator Console and all was good in the world again.
As I said I do not know what cause this problem but this procedure repaired the problem and I have had no issues since.
Command mentioned doesn’t work, in the screenshot it says “dpmsync -sync” .. This works.
Thanks for pointing out the typo.
Corrected now.